Monday, October 02, 2006

My poor Sam . . .

I've been cutting Sam's hair for three and a half years. And it usually turns out pretty good.

But last night -- I got distracted, and started the hair cut without the attachment, and this is what happened. . . .

After he saw it, he tried to get me to fix it his way.
Sam: "Do the same thing to the other side. That way my friends will think that's how I wanted it."
Mom: "No way. Just tell them you had to have brain surgery."
Sam: "There aren't any stitches. No one will believe that."
Mom: "You could have had the surgery will a small microscopic device."
Sam: "Or I could just tell everyone that my mom butchered me."

I guess that's the truth.


The Nielsens said...

I love this story. The dialog between you and Sam makes me wonder though where Sam gets all his great stories. Could it be that his Mother puts them into his head. (just tell your friends that you had brain surgery)

karin said...

I clicked on your link from Deena's blog. Nicholas looks so big. It is hard to believe that we have been gone for over 3 months now.
Cute pictures and an even better story.

The Nielsens said...


You've been tagged. (Karin's fault)read my blog.

Garlic Boy said...

Now Sam's haircut matches his smile. hey, I got a free $38498293.38 Gift Card. you can redeem yours at Bush's Chicken All you have to do is Click Here to get a free $83837728.38 gift card from Bush's Chicken for your backtoschool lunch.