I have three kids, but Nicholas is king. The kid demands so much attention that he rules the house. Sam and Benjamin like him, but their patience is beginning to wear thin. There is a contest between the three of them -- To see if Sam and Benjamin can close their bedroom door before Nicholas gets there. So far, the big boys win . . . but I think in a few weeks, Nicholas will again reign supreme.
Nicholas' latest trick is climbing. He can climb on the coffee table, the couch, chairs, in drawers in the kitchen -- and now on Josh's desk. Oh yes, Nicholas will find a way to get whatever he wants.
With three boys, our house is always noisy -- but the loudest noise by far is Nicholas grunting to get his way. He only has to grunt about half the time because he's learning to talk very quickly. He can now say so many words -- besides Mama, Dada, Sammy (meee), and Benjamin (Be), He also says Stinky, Diaper, Light, Cheese, Bread, Milk, Water, Waffles, Noodles, Book, Blanket, Binky, Bottle, Ball, Balloon, Bath, Snack, Smarties, Cookie, Juice, Drink, Toy, Car, Bye-Bye, Door, Outside. . . There are more. But the special thing about the list is that the words aren't just things he notices. The words are all demands of things he wants. He only says words when he wants something, and then the word or words are repeated over and over again until he gets what he wants. (With the exception of stinky -- that's just a funny word he says). Nicholas is so demanding, that I'm afraid he's scarred his brothers for life. When we told Sam and Benjamin we were going to have a baby, Sam said, "Not another one!!" And Benjamin said, "Ok -- but only if it's a girl."
But at the end of the day, we still love him . . . and we'll keep him. After all, how can we imag
So, is that an announcement?!
Nicholas is cute, even when he is climbing on Josh's desk.
Yeah, Are you pregnant again?
I love this post. It warms me insides. Nicholas is soooo cute even if he is demanding. And the pictures of him are priceless. Way to slip the "I'm pregnant" in there... smooth...very smooth.
fOR ONCE i AM NOT THE LAST ONE IN THE LOOP!! Tell Ben we are crossing fingers for him in hopes of a girl.
This post rocks! I am glad Nicholas is King! He is sooooo adorable...it is hard to believe he's going to be a big brother soon. Congrats!!!
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