The Antics of Nicholas
Nicholas is a very, VERY daring kid. He wants to climb and climb and climb. We have to put our dining chairs up on the table every morning because he uses those to get up on the table and jump around. We have to keep the boys' room door shut because he can climb to the top bunk bed. We have to keep the office door closed because he can climb up on the desk and cause all kinds of chaos. We have to keep the bathroom doors closed because he can climb up the drawers to the counter. We have to put the boys' bikes up on the trash can out back because Nicholas can climb on them.
This morning, someone forgot to close the bedroom door. Nicholas didn't run to the bunk beds like he usually does. Instead, he tried something new. He climbed up on the boys' dresser. Of course, when he realized he couldn't get down, he got nervous and called for help. I am surprised that Benjamin is the one with the broken arm!
When our safety precautions are done right and all the door are properly closed, Nicholas finds other ways to occupy his time. Instead of climbing up, he climbs in.
He is so cute! I would love to tell you that they outgrow it soon but Austin has moved on to things that cannot be blocked or hidden behind a door, the sofa in particular. The goal is to get on the back and jump off before I see. Good luck.
How old is he? He sounds exactly like my 20 month old, Cooper! Total Climber! He's been a daredevil ever since he could stand. Believe it or not, I think he will probably be our first true ER visit (for something that requires stitches or a cast)... I'm not even going to bother knocking on wood, I 'm so sure of it! LOL
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