Thursday, July 10, 2008

11 Months old

Eliana turned 11 month old this week. And rather than chase her down for some {pretty} pictures, I decided to share Eliana uncensored.

Besides getting older, Ellie has started walking. Now, she's been standing and walking around furniture for at least 3 months, but she hasn't been interested in walking at all. She would crawl around and stop in the middle of the floor and stand up for a long time. But she never even tried to take one step alone. Then, last week, we were at a friend's house and she just let go and walked. It was truly amazing! Now she walks everywhere -- and gets into everything.


karin said...

Congrats on the walking. I LOVE the "uncensored" photos.

Kimi said...

Wow! She is already 11 months that is crazy! And she is walking that is really great!
I love the pictures!

Cheryl said...

What a cutie!

Leah said...

Man she is one cute girl. She is a poser like none other. Every picture you take of her is darling. Maybe you post them just to rub it in to those of us that aren't so lucky.

mistyp said...

Those 11 months did go fast! She's cute! Your two youngest look tons alike...but maybe that's because I've only been around when those two were babies. :)