Eliana loves Nicholas. She REALLY loves Nicholas. She loves everything about him - his clothes, his dog, his blanket, his toys, his cup of milk. Anything Nicholas has, Eliana wants. As I type this, she's throwing a fit because Nicholas has a granola bar and she doesn't. Does she like granola bars? {No.} Will she eat a granola bar? {No.} Will she stop crying if she's holding a granola bar like Nicholas. {Yes.}
Yesterday, two things happened that took her love of Nicholas to my breaking point. Nicholas woke up grumpy and all around disagreeably opinionated. I know, that doesn't sound at all like Nicholas. I digress . . . I told him it was time to get dressed. He looked at me and in his deepest demon voice said, "No! I don't wanna get dressed!" And then stomped off. So, I turned to Ellie and told her it was time to get dressed. She looked up at me and unleashing her inner Nicholas screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" And stomped off after him. I suppose I shouldn't have laughed, but it was so shockingly funny.
Second story: At Walmart yesterday afternoon, we happened to be perusing through the toy aisle. Eliana noticed a display of dolls. She kept saying, "baby! baby!" in her cute little voice. How could I resist? {thankfully, she wanted the $3.00 Walmart special.} I have been waiting for her to want a doll for forever. I began to dream of all the quality mother/daughter play time we could have. So I bought her the doll. She hugged it the entire time we were in the store. She hugged it all the way home. She hugged it all the way into the house. She hugged it all the way to Nicholas room. She hugged the baby until she saw him playing with airplanes. Then she stopped hugging the baby and demanded an airplane. Nicholas gave her a plane, she threw the baby on the floor and played planes with her hero. The baby has been forgotten, along with all my hopes and dreams. I am, after all, no Nicholas.
OH...funny funny stories. I don't blame Ellie for wanting to be like her cool big brother. Matthew adores Jacob and copies almost anything he wants or does too. (Fortunately, Jacob is a boy...ha!) Today Jacob was wearing a hat, so Matthew had to wear a hat too (even though he hates hats). Jacob put on shark jammies for bed, so Matthew had to wear shark jams too even though he already chose to wear football jammies. Meanwhile during each battle, Madelyn is screaming in the background...begging to be picked up. Life if soooo fun. ANYHOW, Good luck with Ellie and dolls. Airplanes are just way cooler!!!
Cute stories! Hang in there Mom! She will start to follow her own path before you know it.
There are benefits. Ben potty trained himself because he wanted to be just like Levi and Aaron.
Keep the doll handy, she'll pick it up on her own one of these day!!
You gave up WAY too easily. It may not seem like it now, but around age 14, she will pride herself on many things: her unique name among friends, her different gender at home, and all those things about her that make her special.
Those are funny stories! Fortunately my monkeys sway back and forth from eachother's toys. Maybe you should get a boy doll for big brother...? :)
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