A dear friend of ours gave Benjamin a batman costume for his third birthday. {Thanks Melanie!}
Sam and Benjamin wore it daily until the elastic band on the mask started cutting off the circulation to their faces.
A few months ago, Nicholas found it and has been wearing it every possible second.
And today, Ellie joined the ranks of Batman. It was a very proud moment for me.
I will now be accepting donations of costumes for little girls .
Hi Rachel! I have been admiring you for a while since Josh gave me your blog info! Your children are adorable. I have one that is two - he and Nicholas seem like two peas in a pod!
Thanks for sending us a Christmas card - you really are so beautiful!! Humm, Josh better realize how much he lucked out getting you!! He he! :)
Merry Christmas
That is awesome. I need a couple more boy costumes, my boys wear half a costume each sometimes.
Hahahaha LOL - I am still sitting her laughing at the post!!! We'll begin looking for Princess outfits for Ellie! Thanks for bringing good memories back and creating new ones! We love the Christmas Card and thank you both for your friendship through the years! We Love you guys.
Jim & Princess
We have a batman mask for Cole and one for his father...they get far too much use. I'm glad to see we are not the only ones.
While I LOVE reading your blog, I think you are SO RUDE for not having me on your friends blogs links. I'll have to reconsider the terms of our friendship.
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