Wednesday, February 14, 2007

How do you do it?

It's been 2 months since I last posted a blog -- and I want to know how do people blog all the time? Right now, Nicholas is crying at my feet (arms waving, back arched, feet kicking). I'm not ignoring him, that would be impossible. I tried to hold him, he didn't want that -- but I guess, given his current state, he wanted to be put down less. So I have a crying baby, a five year old who is bored, breakfast dishes that need to be washed, one last load of laundry that needs to be folded . . . Not that I think my life is harder than anyone else's. But I do have something that no one else has -- Nicholas. He is the most demanding, opinionated (although adorable) baby. If he even senses that I am heading towards the computer, the tears start . . . Smarties can only cure the crying for so long. You'd think I neglected him all day long. So where to people come up with the time to take cute pictures, and then post them? Please, let me know your secret!
Anyway, there's my post of ramblings. :) At least I got 2 minutes.


karin said...

AM? What is that?

I post very late at night and hopefully my kids are in bed. But for earlier postings I either put on a great episode of Blue's Clues or have someone else entertain them.


Wait till Josh gets home!! You would just be providing him with the opportunity to have one on one time with the boys~ What a kind, considerate mother you would be!!

The Nielsens said...

Who cares about the laundry, dirty dishes, bored children, crying babies(easy for me to say,I don't have one),or anything else. Shut and lock the door, turn on some music louder than Nicholas and pretend for just a moment that you have all the time in the world to blog about your wonderful family.

The Nielsens said...

Somethings up with the time. I posted my last comment at 1:11 not 11:11. HMMM...

Lulucarrot said...

My kids go to sleep at 7-8 pm. I stay up till 1 am. Its not good but its what I do.