Thursday, May 29, 2008

One of the BOYS

That's right -- this post is about Eliana. Our little princess has discovered the car box. We used to buy each boy a car when we went grocery shopping. As a result, we have close to 500 hot wheels cars. And the boys love to play with them! Sadly, so does Ellie. She loves to pick up handfuls of cars and throw them back into the box. She spends more time at the car box than Nicholas. I even caught her mimicking Nicholas by making a car noise "vroom". What is a mother to do? I had visions of tea parties and dress up and painted fingernails and my little pony land . . . Now I'm wondering if I should just buy Danica Patrick posters for her room.


karin said...

Boys do have great toys and she looks so cute and happy with the car box.

Cheryl said...

Don't give up on the girly stuff. She will go there too! If you had a box of little dolls, she would probably enjoy throwing them around too! She does look happy, doesn't she??!

mistyp said...

That's funny! Guess you should start buying a little doll everytime you go to the store, huh?

Shanna said...

How funny! Gotta love those cars, right? She is getting so big! I can't believe she'll be one soon!