Friday, October 23, 2009

The funniness of Benjamin

Benjamin is a very unusual kid. He is overflowing with book smarts and he's very proud of this. One of the things that makes Benjamin unique is his love of words. He loves to learn new words {sometimes very large words} and use them regularly. For example - Josh and I were having a conversation about the cost of something - maybe taxes. And Benjamin piped in with "I'm not sure I understand all the facts you have been talking about, but I do understand the money issue and I think that is outrageous!" {word for word quote}

The kid is seven.

Benjamin's word of the moment is assume. He uses it so much that I find myself wanting to say "You know what happens when you assume . . ." Instead I pointed out that he uses the word a lot and asked him to cut down. He said, "Mom you have no idea how hard it is to come up with new words to use to impress people."

Today after school, the boys wanted to have friends over. Our rule is there are no friends over until the bedroom is clean. Sam had already cleaned his mess and told Benjamin, who was unloading the dishwasher, that he would clean Benjamin's mess. Then Sam said Benjamin would owe him big time. This, of course, made Benjamin ask me if it was true. I told Sam that Benjamin didn't owe him anything. And Benjamin said, "Yeah Sam. Goodness is it's own reward."

And lastly . . . no offense is meant by this comment. And I promise {just like the other three examples}, I have no idea where he gets these things. . . So Sam was decorating a pumpkin for a school project. The theme was "Favorite Book Character." Sam choose to decorate his pumpkin like a Bugger from the book Ender's Game. He made a preliminary sketch to follow. Benjamin took one look at the sketch and said, "I'm not sure this is the look you are going for Sam, but your drawing looks like an ant mixed with a Mexican Robber."

You be the judge.


J & M Shumate Family said...

Oh my gosh, I can't help but laugh out loud! Your boys are too too too too funny! I so wish we still lived in Waco so I could hang out with your fun kids!

EmmaTheJane said...

I can see the MExican robber but the ant.... that's a stretch. ;)

karin said...

He is funny.

We met Josh's sister in Utah. I was talking up Texas and then I asked who her brother was, thinking "there is no way I know who he is because we have been gone for over 3 years." But then I did, I was pretty excited. I hope they like it as much as I did.

Cheryl said...

Hahaha! What a hoot! I love the way his mind works!! Reminds me of my own Benjamin!!

I have to agree with him on Sam's picture. It DOES look like a mexican robber ant.
