Thursday, August 02, 2007

Kids say . . .

Here's a post of some funny things that have come out of my kids lately.

Nicholas is pretty good about eating everything. And lately, he'll say "like it" when he REALLY likes something. So the other night at dinner, he was really enjoying his corn on the cob and asked for more. He said, "More Porn. Like it Porn!!" Isn't that sweet?

When Sam and Benjamin were fighting, Benjamin started crying. Nicholas turned to me and said, "Benjin crying. Sammy bad, bad bad!!" It never ceases to amaze me how quickly kids catch on to things.

Benjamin: I’m sick.
Josh: No you aren’t
Benjamin: Then how come I have a fever?
Josh: Buddy, you don’t have a fever.
Benjamin: I do -- I can prove it. Every time I check my temperature with a thermometer, it tells me F for fever.

Sam: Did you know Tarantulas can talk?
Josh: No they can’t.
Sam: Yes they can -- they have to talk to mate.
Josh (ears perked): What do you mean?
Sam: Well, one Tarantula has to asks another tarantula to mate, and the other one has to say if they want to.
(And thankfully the conversation ended there . . .)


karin said...

Those are great! I would say that I like one more than the other but they are all HILARIOUS!

I hope we get to see pictures of a baby soon.

The Nielsens said...

Out of the mouths of babes....
What are you teaching those boys? The table dancing needs to stop.

I'm glad you shared because I keep laughing about " porn" funny.

J & M Shumate Family said...

OK...I just laughed and laughed and laughed. Ya gotta love your boys. I still can't believe you are having a girl in almost 2 days....SHOCKING!!!!