Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Red Day, Green Day

Ok, here's the quick color update.

For red day, we went to Books A Million and each of the kids got to pick a new book. Then we came home and READ the books. (Insert punny laugh). Then we had pasta with red sauce for dinner . . . well, all except Sam who has a strange aversion to cooked tomatoes of any kind (except pizza sauce. But even then it has to be the RIGHT pizza sauce.) I digress.

For green day, we went to the zoo -- outside with the green plants and green trees and green lizards and green snakes. The kids loved it! Nicholas even sat in the stroller without complaint, which is quite a feat. Afterwards, we went to the zoo gift shop and the kids each got to pick out something small, and green. I hadn't planned on buying a treat, but I was in need of air conditioning after carrying Eliana and pushing the stroller around the zoo.
Green Day dinner was turkey and guacamole paninis with green salad and limeade, followed by lime sherbet.

Tomorrow is Brown Day. I have to say, I'm really having as much fun as the kids are. I feel like a fun mom again. And I'm beginning to see that occupied kids are happy kids (you would think that I'd have figured that out after having kids for 8 years, but some how that lesson has escaped me). For now there is peace at the White house. What more can a mom ask for?


Watts Family said...

That is a really fun idea! It would be great to do in the summer when we need a little distraction. Thanks for sharing.

mistyp said...

You are just TOOOOO creative!

Lizz said...

I am new to the blogging world, so I am checking out the family sites and came across yours. Color themed days...that is the best idea ever!!! I am totally going to do it!